Manufacturer of Plastic Products, Injection & Blow Molded Products, Tooth Brushes, Inter Dental Brushes and Hair Brushes, Filling Products, Plastic Sheet, Packaging Products, Vacuum Molded, Products.
111 Mu 5, Wellgrow Industrial Estate, Bangna-Trad Road Km. 36, Bangsamak
Bangpakong, Chachoengsao, 24130, Thailand
Cosmetics, Perfumery, Household Health Supply, Toiletries & Plastic Packaging Industries.
Kawasan Industri MM2100, Jl. Irian Blok PP
Bekasi, 17520, Indonesia
Sales of Skin care, Hair care, Fabric & Home care, Health care and Cosmetics, raw materials for toiletries and plastic additives.
83 Clemenceau Avenue, #16-08 UE Square
Singapore, 239920, Singapore