Offshore bank
As the national-level financial institution for agricultural, fishery and forestry cooperatives in Japan, the mission of The Norinchukin Bank (“the Bank”) is to contribute to the development of the agriculture, fishery and forestry industries and to national economic prosperity by facilitating access to financial resources. With the capital provided by Japan Agricultural Cooperatives (JA), Japan Fisheries Cooperatives (JF), Japan Forest Owners’ Cooperatives (JForest), etc., as well as the stable funding base through customer deposits at JA Bank and JF Marine Bank, the Bank, to achieve its mission, lends funds to its members, agricultural, fishery and forestry workers, and companies related to the agriculture, fishery and forestry industries. The Bank also conducts various lending and investment activities in Japan and abroad, efficiently manages funds, and stably returns profits to its members.
Moreover, the Bank provides various services for supporting the cooperative banking business of JA and JF, including the planning and implementation of policies, development of human resources, and provision of business infrastructure. The Bank also provides operational guidance for the cooperative banking business based on relevant rules and regulations, and is working to build a safety net for the JA Bank and JF Marine Bank Systems. The Bank continues to work to improve trust in its cooperative banking business, while playing the important role of strengthening and expanding the cooperative banking business.