Manufacture and sales of magnet wires and degaussing coils.
- Automotive
- Information and Communication
- System
- Electronics
- Semiconductor/Device
- Energy
- Environment
- Infrastructure
- Industrial Product/Material
198801006939 (174297-X)
Under the Sumitomo Spirit and the Sumitomo Electric Group Corporate Principles, which have guided us at the Sumitomo Electric Group for 400 years, we unwaveringly uphold the basic policy of contributing to society through fair business activities.
Since our foundation in 1897, based on electric wire and cable manufacturing technologies, we have conducted our original research and development and strenuously strived for the establishment of new businesses. These efforts have allowed us to create new products and new technologies, as well as diversify our business fields.
Currently, we operate our businesses on a global basis in the following five segments: Automotive; Information & Communications; Electronics; Environment & Energy; and Industrial Materials.