Manufacture of Snap-in type Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors. Sales & Service of Electrolytic Capacitors.
198401011530 (124072-A)
Since its establishment in 1931, NIPPON CHEMI-CON has tackled the development of a variety of electronic components, starting with aluminum electrolytic capacitors. As a supporter of this advanced electronic industry, we are very pleased to have contributed to its development.
The spreading of globalization has brought about a new era to the electronics industry. A new market has opened on the world stage, new values have arisen, and a new race has begun.
By transforming itself even before changes take place and constructing a highly maneuverable and flexible management system, NIPPON CHEMI-CON aims to create a corporate entity that is optimized to the times. This is because we believe our first mission is to develop products through observing present trends and envisioning future.
In this century of the environment, there is a demand for environment-conscious products that consider the earth and people. As an era that is full of change, we intend to seize this opportunity by making use of the technical skills we have fostered over the years to bring even greater resolve to developing products that create the trends.
NIPPON CHEMI-CON will continue to use the development of small electronic components to address the challenge of creating a bright future.